Your Yoga Blog

Stay up-to-date on the latest from Asheville Yoga Center with our blog! Meet our teachers and hear them share more about their lives and yoga practice. Read tips on how to integrate yoga more deeply into your life off the mat. Learn more about inspirational teacher training programs, and discover new ways to deepen your practice!

Brooke Mike Belleme 20

Teacher Feature: Brooke Sullivan

What I love most about teaching yoga is that it opens up a world of self-discovery and wonder. This journey isn’t just about exploring the Self and recognizing one’s worth and uniqueness; it also unveils hidden potentials that can heal, inspire, and contribute to a better world. As a Tantra yoga teacher, I believe that offering the right techniques and practices can empower anyone, enhancing their lives and benefiting our community. When a student connects with the timeless beauty and bliss of Nature and their own true nature, or when their Inner Sage awakens, I feel that I am truly serving a greater purpose. This brings me immense joy.

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Brooke Mike Belleme 20

Teacher Feature: Brooke Sullivan

What I love most about teaching yoga is that it opens up a world of self-discovery and wonder. This journey isn’t just about exploring the Self and recognizing one’s worth and uniqueness; it also unveils hidden potentials that can heal, inspire, and contribute to a better world. As a Tantra yoga teacher, I believe that offering the right techniques and practices can empower anyone, enhancing their lives and benefiting our community. When a student connects with the timeless beauty and bliss of Nature and their own true nature, or when their Inner Sage awakens, I feel that I am truly serving a greater purpose. This brings me immense joy.

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Angela Gorman Shares Her 200RYT Program Experience

  By Angela Gorman “I had been wanting to get my 200 hour certification for a while but was very skeptical of doing it virtually. I was blown away by how well the instructors at AYC adapted the teacher training to the virtual world. They did a great job of

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Meditation with Paige

Mindful Meditation Led by Paige Gilchrist Gift yourself 10-minutes, a moment to clear your head, check in with yourself and reconnect with your intentions. This meditation guide by Paige will provide the reset you’ve needed.

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Eco-friendly Yoga Mats & Props

Maintaining a Sustainable Yoga Practice Plastic. Trash. Single use items. Carbon emission. These are all items that quickly come to mind when you think of types of pollution that we are battling every day. But as a yogi, have you ever considered how your practice impacts our environment? The most

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Meditation with Maeve

Nadi Shodhona Meditation Led by Maeve Hendrix Meditation accounts for four of the eight limbs of yoga, and is an important aspect of any yogi’s practice. To meditate is to bring yourself into a state of thoughtful awareness, one that allows you to look inward and focus on yourself. Meditating

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asheville yoga center

Asheville Yoga Center Makes Bold Plans for the Future

Beloved AYC Students and Community, We want to start this letter by expressing our immense gratitude to you, our loyal clients and supportive yoga community.  This year has brought all kinds of change and uncertainty into all of our lives, and we continue to remain in awe of your support

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“Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”

– Mary Oliver

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