Stay up-to-date on the latest from Asheville Yoga Center with our blog! Meet our teachers and hear them share more about their lives and yoga practice. Read tips on how to integrate yoga more deeply into your life off the mat. Learn more about inspirational teacher training programs, and discover new ways to deepen your practice!

Top10 Benefits of yoga

Top 10 Benefits of Yoga for a Healthy Body & Mind

Top 10 Benefits of Yoga Why Yoga? Why Now? Ever wonder how some people stay calm in the middle of chaos? Or how do they move quickly while the rest of us groan after sitting too long? The secret is simple: Yoga.  It isn’t just about bending like a pretzel.

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Teacher Feature: Kimber Jones

Kimber Jones’ journey with yoga and Ayurveda began in 2014 as she sought relief from a health challenge. Since then, these ancient practices have become her passion, transforming her life and inspiring her to share their power with others.

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The Art (and Yoga) of Self-Love

Self-love is the practice of connecting to your True Nature. It involves seeing yourself and others as more than this body-mind complex. It involves seeing yourself and others as Brahman.

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Teacher Feature: Ashlee Dunn

This month at Asheville Yoga Center, our Teacher of the Month is Ashlee Dunn.
Ashlee has been a yoga teacher for 25 years. She has taught classes, developed yoga programs, and guided workshops and retreats throughout the United States. Ashlee has also studied yoga extensively in India and has certifications in multiple forms of yoga.

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How to Find your Drishti

Drishti is a Sanskrit word meaning “gaze” or “sight”. During a yoga class, drishti represents a visual point that your eyes can focus on during asanas.

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Benefits of Meditation: A Neuroscience Perspective on Mind and Body

Meditation is an ancient practice, which has gained popularity in modern times for its mental and physical benefits. It is scientifically proven to enhance brain function and mental well-being. Various types of meditation, like mindfulness, guided meditation, and yoga meditation, offer distinct advantages. Let’s explore the benefits of meditation and how it influences brain physiology and improves mental health, through the lens of neuroscience.

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September Theme: Honoring the Elements

This September at Asheville Yoga Center, we turn our focus to “Honoring the Elements.” In yogic tradition, there are five main elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Space. Each carries its own unique qualities, yet they work in harmony to form the building blocks of the Universe. We too are composed of these elements, intertwined with the oneness of all existence.

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Teacher Feature: Farah Naz Gokturk

Teaching and sharing yoga is an integral part of my personal yoga practice. Not everyone needs to teach and share yoga in order to practice yoga. After years of teaching yoga, it’s become a discipline, and in some ways has informed how I understand myself and the world around me.

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“Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”

– Mary Oliver

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