Nationally-recognized Yoga Institution Transfers Ownership to Ayurvedic Wellness Organizations
Nationally-recognized Yoga Institution Transfers Ownership to Ayurvedic Wellness Organizations Co-Founders of the Asheville Yoga Center Handover Stewardship to AyurPrana and The Ayurvedic Institute to Continue Supporting the Local Community ASHEVILLE, NC (February, 24, 2022) – Asheville Yoga Center (AYC) is coming under new leadership, with the previous owners Stephanie and Sunny Keach wishing a heartfelt […]
A Letter from Sunny & Steph: AYC Transition Update!
[av_image src=’’ attachment=’12656′ attachment_size=’full’ copyright=” caption=” image_size=” styling=” align=’center’ font_size=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’no-animation’ hover=” appearance=” link=” target=” title_attr=” alt_attr=” img_scrset=” lazy_loading=’disabled’ id=” custom_class=” template_class=” av_element_hidden_in_editor=’0′ av_uid=’av-kzx2isml’ sc_version=’1.0′ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_image] [av_textblock textblock_styling_align=” textblock_styling=” textblock_styling_gap=” textblock_styling_mobile=” size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” color=” id=” custom_class=” template_class=” av_uid=’av-kzx2i0bc’ sc_version=’1.0′ admin_preview_bg=”] Dearest Asheville Yoga Family, As you may have heard […]
Asheville Yoga Center Makes Bold Plans for the Future
Beloved AYC Students and Community, We want to start this letter by expressing our immense gratitude to you, our loyal clients and supportive yoga community. This year has brought all kinds of change and uncertainty into all of our lives, and we continue to remain in awe of your support and patience as we navigate […]
Healing from the Outdoors
Supporting Local Greenways Many people begin their yoga journey looking for a source of healing from mental health struggles and physical ailments. A yoga practice can help you heal from the inside out by building your mind-body connection as well as strengthening your muscles. It provides the space to listen, reflect and rejuvenate both mind […]
Find the Fire Power of Your Manipura Chakra This Summer
Yoga Digest Features Asheville Yoga Center’s Article The sun smiles down on Mother Earth and softly embraces our hemisphere with abundant beauty and warmth. As we celebrate the beginning of the summer solstice, we begin to experience the heat of the season as it sets in for the next few months. Summertime serves as the […]
Light Up Your Root Chakra
Om Yoga & Lifestyle Magazine Feature Spring is the perfect opportunity to ignite the root chakra (muladhara) inside ourselves as a time of rebirth and new growth. The chakras manifest themselves as spinning wheels of energy that correspond to specific areas of the body. The human body consists of seven chakras which influence behaviors and […]
Yoga and Spa Magazine Recognizes Asheville Yoga Center
Shape Up for Spring Spring is just around the corner which means it’s time to refresh, rejuvenate and get back to feeling your best! Shake off those winter blues and spring forward into a new season of endless opportunity. When we think of spring we think of new growth and fresh starts. The same goes […]
Yoga and Spa Magazine Features Asheville Yoga Center
The Benefits of Yoga in the Winter Season Even for the most devoted yogi, the winter months can be a drag when it comes to getting motivated to hit the mat. We get it – cold, dark, lonely – who wouldn’t want to stay curled up at home? But consistently skipping your workout could backfire, […]
March Charity of the Month: Pisgah Legal Services
Asheville Yoga Center Raises Donations for Pisgah Legal Services All Month 10% of Drop-In and Community Class Sales on Thursday, March 28 Donated Asheville Yoga Center prepares for a full month of fundraising for Pisgah Legal Services as its Charity of the Month partner. The organization strives to pursue justice by providing legal assistance and […]
February Charity of the Month: Asheville on Bikes
Asheville Yoga Center Supports Asheville on Bikes with February Fundraiser Asheville Yoga Center is rolling forward with its Charity of the Month project in February. The center will be raising funds for Asheville on Bikes for the second consecutive year. The non-profit advocates for better biking and walking infrastructures in both Asheville and the surrounding […]