Serving Others in Need

Raising Awareness and Support for Carolina Resource Center for Eating Disorders “Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve… You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” — Martin Luther King. Yoga teaches us to serve on and […]

Great Holiday Gifts for Your Yogi

yoga shop
yoga shop
There are so many goodies nestled in the Boutique and Studio! In an effort to make your holiday shopping easy and stress-free, we’ve developed this comprehensive gift guide to give you a variety of great, affordable gift options for your yogi this holiday season. Gift Ideas for Any Yoga Practice The holidays are a busy and stressful time which is why yoga is even more necessary for your loved one! In the Boutique, you’ll find endless options to complement any […]

Practice Yoga and Do Good

Practice Karma Yoga in Your Life One of the surest ways to find happiness in life is by curating a servant heart. The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian text, views karma yoga, the Hindu path of service to others, as the gateway to spiritual fulfillment and life-long happiness. It is centered around purifying your heart by learning to act selflessly in service of others. Through this type of yoga, we can learn kindness and compassion without any expectation of personal […]

Find Your Community in 200TT

Form Relationships to Last a Lifetime When you embark on your 200-Hour Teacher Training, you’re immersing yourself in a one-of-a-kind education. But there’s something even more special about this experience beyond just the deep learning. You’ll become a part of a community that will change your life forever. Dedicating time for a training may seem a little scary when you have to travel to a new destination with people you’ve never met before. If you feel nervous, take a deep […]

Giving to Those in Need: Implementing Chopra’s Law of Giving & Receiving

Support the Hope Chest for Women, AYC’s October Charity of the Month One of Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga is the Law of Giving and Receiving. It states that giving and receiving are different expressions of the same flow of energy in the universe. The core meaning behind this law is that giving to others will bring the same joy, harmony and good karma into your own life. Have you ever experienced that feel-good moment when you’ve helped […]

Bringing Awareness To Your Breath

Better Breathing Through Yoga The very source of our existence flows ever so gracefully through our bodies to keep our hearts pumping and our brains alive. It’s unseeable, untouchable but incredibly vital. The power behind our working bodies is breath; the inhalation and exhalation of air through our lungs every minute of every day. Yet, it’s something that we hardly pay attention to. Ask yourself this question: do I have a tendency to take short, shallow breaths?  Most of us […]

Compassion On & Off the Mat

Practice the Yogic Value of Compassion in Your Life A yogic life is centered around showing compassion for all things. As your practice grows and develops, you’ll find that it pushes out ego and insecurities, opening the door to a caring and loving way of life. Compassion, defined in the yoga sutras, is called karuna-dukha. According to Patanjali’s yoga sutra 1.33, one way to purify the mind and increase serenity is to practice karuna or compassion. Open Your Heart If […]

Start Your Practice & Find Your Yoga Home at AYC

Be Comfortable with Your Yoga Practice If you’ve never tried yoga before, starting out can be intimidating and even a little scary. Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m too busy. My back bothers me. I’m not flexible enough for yoga. I don’t even know where to begin?” These are all common reasons we hear for why some hesitate to try yoga. But most of the time, these factors are just the result of feeling nervous to start. We’ve developed […]

Preparing to Teach Class

Feel Prepared & Confident The 200-Hour program will give you the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of yoga. With a diligent curriculum, support from fellow yogis and wisdom from highly skilled teachers, you are in for the journey of a lifetime. This training opportunity could open your world to a newfound career path in yoga. If so, you’ll need to know how to prepare for teaching class! Here are a few tips to help you on your […]

Fostering a Community of Empowerment

AYC Raises Funds & Awareness for Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity As yogis, we know how energizing and empowering a yoga practice can be. These positive impacts are a few of many reasons why we roll out our mats each day. With each asana, our strength and confidence builds and guides us to a place of peace and self-reliance. For example, in Downward Dog the foundation for the pose is centered around growing your heart and feeling your strength while […]