Benefits of Bringing a Friend to Yoga Class

One of the first yoga classes I ever attended was because a friend convinced me to go with her to help me deal with stress after a difficult day.  How many of us have tagged along with a friend to a yoga class and walked away grateful for the experience? Yoga is for the individual in that we are invited to come into ourselves and focus on our breath for the duration of the practice. However, yoga buddies provide a […]

Welcome New Instructor: Grace Keller

What is your favorite part about teaching yoga? My power class is a fun mix between Masculine and feminine energy. A celebration of the self through strong movement, community  and fun music. We will do some flows to build heat and strength by activating  the core with powerful poses, twists, balance and breath while having compassion and not taking ourselves too seriously in the process. Feeling our strength starting from within, we  will explore flexibility and vulnerability through heart and […]

Angela Gorman Shares Her 200RYT Program Experience

 By Angela Gorman”I had been wanting to get my 200 hour certification for a while but was very skeptical of doing it virtually. I was blown away by how well the instructors at AYC adapted the teacher training to the virtual world. They did a great job of making it feel like a community and a safe space which was so important to our learning, and gave support to the group and individuals. This has been a strange time in […]

Meditation with Paige

Mindful Meditation Led by Paige Gilchrist [av_video src=’′ mobile_image=’’ attachment=’10701′ attachment_size=’full’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ conditional_play=” av_uid=’av-kiqn26dr’ custom_class=”] Gift yourself 10-minutes, a moment to clear your head, check in with yourself and reconnect with your intentions. This meditation guide by Paige will provide the reset you’ve needed.

Eco-friendly Yoga Mats & Props

Maintaining a Sustainable Yoga Practice Plastic. Trash. Single use items. Carbon emission. These are all items that quickly come to mind when you think of types of pollution that we are battling every day. But as a yogi, have you ever considered how your practice impacts our environment? The most common piece of equipment you use may be offsetting your efforts in sustainability. Many yoga mats contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which environmental experts claim to be highly toxic. For years, […]

Meditation with Maeve

Nadi Shodhona Meditation Led by Maeve Hendrix [av_video src=’′ mobile_image=’×687.jpg’ attachment=’10377′ attachment_size=’large’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ conditional_play=” av_uid=’av-kiqn26dr’ custom_class=”] Meditation accounts for four of the eight limbs of yoga, and is an important aspect of any yogi’s practice. To meditate is to bring yourself into a state of thoughtful awareness, one that allows you to look inward and focus on yourself. Meditating can begin by focusing on your breath, allowing you to be present in the moment. Now, find a comfortable […]

Asheville Yoga Center Makes Bold Plans for the Future

asheville yoga center
asheville yoga center
Beloved AYC Students and Community, We want to start this letter by expressing our immense gratitude to you, our loyal clients and supportive yoga community.  This year has brought all kinds of change and uncertainty into all of our lives, and we continue to remain in awe of your support and patience as we navigate this “new normal.” For more than twenty years we have not just built a business together with Asheville Yoga Center, we have fostered a community. […]

Don’t Forget to Nurture Your Personal Practice

Self-Care Tips for Yoga Teachers Despite the therapeutic nature of yoga, being an instructor does not come without its challenges. With hours spent teaching multiple yoga classes at different yoga studios and events – in addition to taking time to prepare for workshops – it can be challenging to make time for your personal practice. However, maintaining your practice and continuing your education are two of the best things you can do for yourself and your career. Fuel Your Passion […]

Awaken Your Body for Spring

Feel Rejuvenated with Your Practice The sun stretches out, clearing away winter shadows, blooms of kaleidoscopic color emerge from the earth and the world feels rejuvenated. We have all been patiently waiting for spring, and it is finally in the air! This new season is the perfect opportunity to awaken your body, shift into newness and embrace a fresh start. Here are some yoga poses and healthy foods that will make you feel light, motivated and fully awakened in your […]