The 5 Tenents of Jivamukti Yoga

  The 5 Tenents of Jivamukti Yoga Hot, hip, and holy. Created in 1984 by Sharon Gannon and David Life, Jivamukti yoga strives to help us fulfill our true potential, liberation in this life! It is a practice that allows us to access the underlying, subtle, and esoteric teachings of yoga. Through the practice of the 5 tenents we strive for a life, not just a yoga asana class, that allows us to express compassion and create a mutually beneficial coexistence with all […]

Yoga for Stress

  Yoga for Stress Do you feel great? Alive and vital? If not, consider the role that stress might be playing in your life. Stress can greatly diminish our energy. Stress quite literally robs us of our vitality. We live in an increasingly stressful world and the potential for the experience of stress comes at us from many places: work, relationships, current events, life events, social media and information overload can all create the sensation of stress in our bodies […]

Instructor of the Month: Denise Daneck

Instructor of the Month: Denise Daneck Why do you teach yoga? Yoga is amazingly healing on all levels. It is a gift to share and anyone who feels called to should!  What an incredible opportunity to dissolve boundaries, connect unconditionally on a soul-level, and explore the power of collective group energy with sacred intentions! I love all of the possibilities that teaching offers. What is your teaching history? I began reading the Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, and all kinds […]

Instructor of the Month: Rich Fabio

Instructor of the Month: Rich Fabio Why do you teach yoga? It agrees with me.  Every other line of work I tried I wasn’t very good at.  I used to work so I could be a yogi in my off time.  Now, I see work as a contribution to society and my community. It is an extension of who I am. What is your teaching history? I have explored many styles and facets of yoga.  I first started teaching meditation […]

Yogi Tips for Spring Cleansing

Yogi Tips for Spring Cleansing Spring is the ideal season for cleansing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is related to the wood element, which tends the liver and gall bladder. These organs focus on the cleansing process: secretion and detoxification. As things get moving in nature, our bodies need to get moving too in order to avoid winter stagnation that manifests in digestive disrupts, respiratory congestion or headaches. Supporting detoxification, drainage and circulation with food choices and movement can help […]

Yogic Chakra Guide

Yogic Chakra Guide Our chakra system is composed of subtle energy centers that hold the key to our spiritual evolution and development, which affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Through powerful pranayama and meditation practices, dynamic interactive lecture and discussion, as well as creative chakra sequencing in asana, we will begin to understand how these 7 main energy centers store all of our life experiences and future potential. Interested in learning more about Yoga & the Chakras? Check […]

Yoga and the Pelvis: Beyond Mula Bandha

Yoga and the Pelvis: Beyond Mula Bandha Let’s just admit it: on a cultural level, we are wildly dysfunctional about all things pelvis. We have near-epidemic urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, fertility and birthing challenges, progressively lower sperm counts, and a variety of pelvic pain syndromes. And we have yet to overcome our cultural judgment and outright hatred fueled by sexuality. In Yoga Land, these are all pelvic issues, from the structural to spiritual. So, what magic does Yoga offer us […]

Yoga Stories: Rosie’s Story

  “I am old- I turn 55 in April. I started practicing Yoga when I was 14. The nuns asked my parents to have me see a doctor about putting me on meds for my hyperactivity. I was in a very small private Catholic school in Coconut Grove, Florida. The doc and my parents were against medication so the school brought in a Yoga teacher- Eve Diskin, then the President of the American Society of Yoga. I spent my afternoons […]

Hot Yoga 101

Hot Yoga 101 Some Like it Hot, Some Not. Hot yoga classes are one of the most popular styles of yoga in the U.S. today. Without debate, those that like hot yoga, really like hot yoga. Hot yoga isn’t everyone’s favorite, however. Whether it’s your thing or not, studies are showing while there are some amazing benefits to perspiring in your poses, it is important to understand how heat affects the body while exercising. How hot is Hot? The temperature […]

Winter Wellness with Ayurveda

Winter Wellness with Ayurveda Yoga and Ayurveda are considered to be sister sciences. These ancient traditions developed over a period of thousands of years and provide models for self-care and optimal well being. Ayurveda uses three “doshas”—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha— to explain an individual’s unique constitutional makeup. Each is aligned with certain elements and a time of year. Vata is associated with winter, air, and space.  The abundance of Vata during the winter season can lead to symptoms like anxiety, […]