Libby Hinsley
Dr. Libby Hinsley, DPT, PT, C-IAYT, and author of Yoga for Bendy People has been a yoga teacher since 2005 and a practicing Physical Therapist since 2011. Dr. Hinsley traveled to India to study at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in 2008 and teaches primarily from the tradition of Desikachar, or the viniyoga lineage.
Dr. Hinsley specializes in treating people with hypermobility syndromes, chronic pain, and yoga-related injuries. In her clinical practice, she incorporates therapeutic yoga in addition to manual therapy techniques and self massage training with therapy balls.
Dr. Hinsley’s first book, Yoga for Bendy People, was published in May of 2022 and currently has 55 five star reviews on Amazon. Yoga for Bendy People explores how people with joint hypermobility syndromes can avoid injury and instead, use the tools of yoga to support their thriving. As a person living with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, she is passionate about raising awareness about hypermobility in the yoga community and beyond. The book is for all yoga teachers as well as bendy practitioners.
Dr. Hinsley is also the co-founder of Anatomy Bites, a monthly membership for yoga teachers who want to learn anatomy in a fun, supportive, and highly relevant way.