Bruce Barkus
“So whether you do your first downward dog at 14 or 44, it’s not your history but your presence on your mat that counts” PK Jois. This has inspired Bruce to practice daily for the last 13 years. Going to the mat daily to practice movement with breath continues to motivate me to build on the Ashtanga basics. His certifications include 500 hours teachers training from AYC, 500 hours teacher’s training with Kino McGregor and Tim Feldman, Ashtanga certification with Manju Jois and numerous workshops with David Swenson, Greg Nardi, David Keil, Kathryn Budig, Simon Park and Kino. Lewis Rothlein has been true inspiration to me in developing a lifelong practice and I am grateful for his guidance. Bruce also has a Doctorate degree in business and finds that mindfulness is critical in his consulting practice. He enjoys helping Yoga Studios become financially successful and teaches the Business of Yoga in the advanced teachers certification program. Come join me in with Ashtanga Basics: “Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory”. Inhale….Exhale.