Therapeutic Yoga with Doug Keller

December 9-11, 2022 | In-Person & Virtual

300-hour YA credit
All Levels Welcome

$480 (Early Bird Price $430, expires November 25, 2022)

Friday-Sunday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Contact Hours: 24
Non Contact Hours: 4

Foundations, Skills and Applications with Doug Keller


We are thrilled to present this training in the fundamentals of bringing the therapeutic wisdom of yoga to your group classes or individual consultations with students or clients. The training is for everyone seeking a firm grounding in skills and principles for assessing and addressing therapeutic or pain problems through the practice of yoga — and through asana to address structural and musculoskeletal pain problems in particular.

What you will learn:

• How to recognize and assess imbalances in postural and movement patterns that are linked to common pain patterns in joints, muscles and fascia, with a firm grasp of helpful ‘body maps’ such as Janda’s ‘Crossed Syndromes,’ as well as the key myofascial meridians or ‘sutras’ governing posture and movement, as your guide in your observations;


• You’ll have a deeper understanding of yoga terminology as informed by contemporary understanding of the nervous system, breath, and fascial systems, and will be able to relate these terms to practice in common-sense language.

• You’ll be able to take in the ‘big picture’ of the body as a whole, as well as having the tools to focus on specific areas — feet, knees, hips, sacroiliac joint and low back, shoulders, elbows and wrists, and the neck and head — and have a foundation for knowing what poses, alignments, and actions are most beneficial for addressing these areas when there are pain problems.


• You’ll have a grasp of the inner workings and logic of the asanas, and know how to explain them and their health value in a way that students can appreciate;

• You’ll have a grasp of sequencing principles rooted in this knowledge, which you can apply to sequencing general classes, and also shorter remedial routines for working with individuals or small groups, focused on particular therapeutic problems.


• You’ll have a significant toolbox of remedial exercises and asana variations to address common complaints and devise simple protocols for students to work with.

Recommended Reading:

The Therapeutic Wisdom of Yoga, Volumes 1 & 2, by Doug Keller
Refining the Breath by Doug Keller
Heart of the Yoga by Doug Keller

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