What is the Draw-In Maneuver?

yoga teaching
yoga teaching
The Draw-In Maneuver By AYC Instructor Forrest Campbell In any given yoga class you may have heard the phrase, “draw the belly in toward the spine,” or at least something similar. This fundamental and common cue has been used by many yoga and fitness professionals across the board to communicate something that has great value to spinal and abdominal organ health. Unfortunately, at times fundamentals can be pushed aside during class, so unless you are in a workshop or working […]

What are the Yoga Sutras?

asheville yoga
asheville yoga
What are the Yoga Sutras? Decoding the ancient wisdom of Patanjali If you’re new to yoga, then you may not yet be familiar with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In a nutshell, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a collection of 196 short verses that serve as a guide to attain wisdom and self-realization through yoga. The text is estimated to have been written in roughly 400 C.E., and is regarded by many as the basis of yoga philosophy. The […]

Yoga vs. Yoga Therapy

yoga teaching
yoga teaching
Yoga vs. Yoga Therapy It’s no secret that the practice of yoga is therapeutic in a myriad of ways. By flowing through asanas, practicing meditation, and utilizing breathing exercises, yoga practitioners are able to reduce their stress and anxiety, increase flexibility and blood circulation, and ease both mental and physical pain. Yoga therapy goes beyond a classroom or group experience to help heal the whole person on an individual level. Yoga as we know it in the West, tends to […]

5 Yin Yoga Poses to Try at Home

yin yoga asheville
yin yoga asheville
5 Yin Yoga Poses to Try at Home Learn how Yin yoga can increase your flexibility and reduce stress Before signing up for a Yin yoga class, consider starting your practice at home with these five poses. #1 – Meditation Seat Sit upright with your legs either crossed in front of you, in half-lotus or in full-lotus position, keeping your back straight and your head and neck aligned with your spine. Place your hands where they feel comfortable — perhaps […]

How Yoga Can Improve Your Active Lifestyle

yoga for beginners
yoga for beginners
How Yoga Can Improve Your Active Lifestyle 5 ways that practicing yoga can benefit athletes Athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle are no strangers to muscle tension and soreness — especially if that lifestyle includes kayaking, climbing, biking, or running. While these recreational activities will keep you fit in their own right, supplementing your current hobbies with yoga can yield a wide range of benefits. By practicing yoga, you’re not only reducing your risk of injury by keeping […]