Yoga for Stress

  Yoga for Stress Do you feel great? Alive and vital? If not, consider the role that stress might be playing in your life. Stress can greatly diminish our energy. Stress quite literally robs us of our vitality. We live in an increasingly stressful world and the potential for the experience of stress comes at […]

Yogi Tips for Spring Cleansing

Yogi Tips for Spring Cleansing Spring is the ideal season for cleansing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is related to the wood element, which tends the liver and gall bladder. These organs focus on the cleansing process: secretion and detoxification. As things get moving in nature, our bodies need to get moving too in order […]

5 Yoga Poses Away from a Better Night’s Sleep

5 Yoga Poses Away from a Better Night’s Sleep Whether you suffer from insomnia, or you just want to relax for a few minutes before sleep, bedtime yoga can help you have a more restful night’s sleep. Taking just a few minutes in bed before you fall asleep to do these simple yoga poses may […]